BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//eluceo/ical//2.0/EN VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID: DTSTAMP:20241218T013250 SUMMARY:Sound Series: Mdou Moctar DESCRIPTION:We welcome back West African Tuareg guitarist\, Mdou Moctar\, a nd his band who are originally from Agadez\, a desert village in rural Nig er. They join us on a tour supporting their latest release Tears of Injust ice\, a re-recorded version of their critically praised record\, Funeral F or Justice\, re-arranged for acoustic and traditional instruments. Accordi ng to the band’s U.S.-based bassist and producer\, Mikey Coltun\, in a r ecent interview in Stereogum\,“there’s a whole other side of the band that comes out when we play a stripped-down set.“ With this latest relea se out in February on Matador Records\, the band continues to reflect thei r unique blend of contemporary Saharan music and Western rock music struct ures and guitar techniques.\n\nCo-presented with 91.3 WYEP Presents\nSound Series is presented by Citizens.\n\n URL: DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250212T200000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250213T000000 LOCATION:Carnegie Music Hall ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg:https://arcane-city-library.nyc3.digitaloceanspac _n.webp END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID: DTSTAMP:20250207T123137 SUMMARY:Drum and Bass Monthly DESCRIPTION:Wednesday Feb 12th\n\n@ctoaso will be flying solo @thegovernmen tcenter\n\nCome on out for some All Vinyl Drum & Bass Bizness\n\nGet your early Valentine’s Day groove on\n💕❤️🥰😍😘 URL: DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250212T210000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250213T020000 LOCATION:The Government Center ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg:https://arcane-city-library.nyc3.digitaloceanspac 756_n.webp END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID: -for-socrates-summore-take-me-with-you DTSTAMP:20241212T124900 SUMMARY:Mr. Smalls Presents: Dark Valentine ft. Hemlock for Socrates\, Summ ore\, Take Me With You DESCRIPTION:Mr. Smalls Presents: Dark Valentine\nft.\nHemlock for Socrates\ nSummore\nTake Me With You\nDJ Erica Scary\n\nThursday\, February 13 // 7 PM\nThe Funhouse at Mr. Smalls\nALL AGES !!!\n$12 ADV / $15 DOS\nTICKETS 👉 👉 URL: -for-socrates-summore-take-me-with-you DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250213T190000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250213T230000 LOCATION:Mr. Smalls ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg:https://arcane-city-library.nyc3.digitaloceanspac 95_n.webp END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID: ries-edgar-um DTSTAMP:20250115T010954 SUMMARY:Flackside\, Gina Gory\, Liquid Images\, Purple Berries\, Edgar Um DESCRIPTION:Flackside (w Flackband of Tim Brown\, Jim Wilson and MikeyC)\nG ina Gory (v stoked to see this group)\nLiquid Images (CLE - Ricky and Mart y in loads of bands)\nPurple Berries (pgh modular)\nEdgar Um (dj set of th e highest selects/needs no intro)\n\n2/13 brillo 8pm $10\nhope to see head z\, it's been more than a minute\n> Flackside Useless Eyes\n\nhttps://flac\n URL: ries-edgar-um DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250213T200000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250214T000000 LOCATION:Brillobox ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg:https://arcane-city-library.nyc3.digitaloceanspac END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID: -a-sam-cope-tyler-heaven DTSTAMP:20250210T212404 SUMMARY:Valentines Show w/ The Clearwater Swimmers\, I4A\, Sam Cope\, Tyler Heaven DESCRIPTION:Friday\, 2/14. Love will be in the air whether you like it or n ot.\n\nThe Clearwater Swimmers released one of my favorite albums last yea r and I’m always excited to see I4A and Sam C. Plus there will be a Sand y Loaf photo booth. Love abounds. 💌🌹\nhttps://theclearwaterswimmers. URL: -a-sam-cope-tyler-heaven DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250214T190000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250214T230000 LOCATION:The Government Center ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg:https://arcane-city-library.nyc3.digitaloceanspac 074_n.webp END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID: DTSTAMP:20250131T000909 SUMMARY:Wolf Eyes\, Brood X\, Slacking\, Golden Gai DESCRIPTION:friday feb 14th\ntcrps prsnts\n\nWOLF EYES [michigan]\nwith\nBR OOD X [cleveland]\nSLACKING\nGOLDEN GAI\n\n7:30PM\nall-ages \n$14\n\n531 C hartiers Ave\, McKees Rocks URL: DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250214T193000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250214T233000 ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg:https://arcane-city-library.nyc3.digitaloceanspac 840_n.webp END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID: DTSTAMP:20250207T150730 SUMMARY:Rrose (UK) w/ Rowan Sullivan and Noah Martin DESCRIPTION:RROSE with special guests\nRowan Sullivan and Noah Martin\n8 PM \, Friday\, 14th February\nStudio A\, WQED (4802 Fifth ave)\nABSOLUTELY FR EE\n\nRrose is the latest incarnation of Seth Horvitz\, an inter-disciplin ary artist from California whose 20+ year history weaves in and out of aca demic circles and electronic music culture. Their work is informed by ongo ing interests in microtonality\, the limits of perception\, and the idiosy ncrasies of machines. This approach serves to create a distinctly detailed \, sensual and hallucinogenic form of techno that challenges the mind and body in equal measure. The project extends into specific pockets of the av ant-garde\, leading to collaborations with luminaries such as Bob Ostertag and Charlemagne Palestine and reinventions of works by 20th century compo sers such as James Tenney. On stage\, Rrose often stands in the shadows\, going by he\, she\, and they interchangeably (Rrose’s name and image all ude to Duchamp’s female alter-ego) – an implied interrogation of gende r norms and artistry in techno circles\, albeit with a hint of black humou r (one Rrose biography states “Born 1969. Died 1909”). Rrose’s first release in 2011 on Sandwell District came cloaked in mystery as to its cr eator\, as did the following collaboration featuring Bob Ostertag’s Buch la 200E synth and a string of vinyl releases on her own Eaux label startin g in 2012. They hold an BA in Cognitive Science from UC Berkeley (1996) an d an MFA in Electronic Music and Recording Media from Mills College (2010) .\n\n URL: DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250214T200000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250215T000000 LOCATION:WQED ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg:https://arcane-city-library.nyc3.digitaloceanspac END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID: DTSTAMP:20250211T165642 SUMMARY:Gloom Room DESCRIPTION:Welcome to The Gloom Room\, a FREE goth dance party in Pittsbur gh's Squirrel Hill\nJoin us as we turn the Squirrel Hill Sports Bar into a brooding bat cave\, Friday\, February 14th!\nTransverse through the great est decades of goth music from iconic bands like The Cure\, Siouxsie and t he Banshees\, and Depeche Mode\, to modern favorites like She Wants Reveng e\, Boy Harsher and Molchat Doma.\nBeyond our set playlists\, we’re brin ging in guest DJs spinning tracks with their own unique goth vibe!\nThe Gl oom Room is committed to creating a safe\, inclusive\, and diverse space. No gatekeeping\, harassment\, or hatred will be tolerated. Whether you're a baby bat or a seasoned veteran\, everyone is welcome to unite under the embrace of darkness\nIn partnership with Bass Buddies\, a local Pittsburgh production company\, our monthly events hope to bring you guest DJs\, per formers\, and interactive experiences you'll love. We value your feedback and are dedicated to tailoring these nights to suit the community's desire s.\n\n╔══ No Cover ══╗\n╚══ 21+with ID ═╝ URL: DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250214T210000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250215T010000 LOCATION:Squirrel Hill Sports Bar ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg:https://arcane-city-library.nyc3.digitaloceanspac 0962_n.webp END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID: DTSTAMP:20241226T132037 SUMMARY:OBSIDIAN presents Menagerie of Filth DESCRIPTION:Let your heart break in all it's destructive glory. Fall in lov e on the dance floor and pine over the bass pumping through the speakers. Come experience the one and only Menagerie of Filth\, a collective of perf ormers hailing from Brooklyn NYC and Philadelphia Pennsylvania. Bare whitn ess to raw vulgarity\, fucking and flaming passion on stage. The performer s of this event will take things further than any pervious Obsidian. Brace yourselves for something truly carnal.\n\n21+\n$25\n9pm - 4am\nBYOB\nThis will be the last Obsidian at Club Pittsburgh until Halloween 2025 URL: DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250214T210000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250215T040000 LOCATION:Club Pittsburgh ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg:https://arcane-city-library.nyc3.digitaloceanspac 2_n.webp END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID: DTSTAMP:20250211T165824 SUMMARY:Midnight Veil w/ DJ Action Alpha & Poptone DESCRIPTION:A weekly night of dark and downtempo music at New Amsterdam.\nF ounded January 2025 URL: DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250214T220000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250215T140000 LOCATION:New Amsterdam ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg:https://arcane-city-library.nyc3.digitaloceanspac 1729090100316_n.webp END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID: DTSTAMP:20250128T152109 SUMMARY:CYBERIA! Valentines Day DESCRIPTION:Welcome to a Valentine's Day with Cyberia!\nLive from the Gallery AFK in Braddock on Friday\, February 14\, we will play the role o f a most musical cupid. Our hearts go out to everyone involved\, and we pl an to curate a night of love\, dancing\, art appreciation\, and social abu ndance to promote a stronger community than ever 'round these parts.\nM USIC STARTS @ 10 !!!!\, and goes LATE\n$20 tickets @ DOOR (NOTAFLOF)\n---- -----------------\n*** Musical Support from :\n--- yert ---\nig --> @ye rtdub\n\n--- DJ Furniture ---\nig --> @deej ay_furniture\n\n--- Astrelle ---\nig -- > @astrellesound\n--- DJ Treebug ---\nig --> @treebug222\nhttps://soundclo\n--- Eclectus ---\nig --> @eclcts\n /eclectus\n*** Sound + Visuals Powered By : Wave Motion Sound ***\nig --> @wave_motion_sound\n----------------------\n*** Visual Support + Live Art + Vendors TBA URL: DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250214T220000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250215T020000 LOCATION:Gallery AFK ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg:https://arcane-city-library.nyc3.digitaloceanspac 788_n.webp END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID: -little-gunpowder-sherry-cd-rom DTSTAMP:20250211T141100 SUMMARY:sisTers PGH Benefit w/ Wild Magic + J Channell + Little Gunpowder + Sherry CD-ROM DESCRIPTION:Pittsburgh Progressive Artist Collective + Don't Let the Scene Go Down on Me! Collective present...\n\nA Benefit for sisTers PGH\n\nfeat. \n\nWild Magic\n\n\nJ Channell\nhtt ps://\n\nLittle Gunpowder\nhttps://littlegunpowder.\n\nSherry CD-ROM\n\n\nPLUS artwork to purchase by local artists\n\n@ The Mr. Roboto Project\n5106 Pen n Ave.\n\nDoors - 7:00\nMusic - 8:00\n\n$10-$25 suggested donation\n\nAll Ages\n\nThe Mr. Roboto Project is a sober space.\n\nhttps://www.sisterspgh .org/ URL: -little-gunpowder-sherry-cd-rom DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250215T190000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250215T230000 LOCATION:Roboto Project ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg:https://arcane-city-library.nyc3.digitaloceanspac END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID: DTSTAMP:20250123T151654 SUMMARY:Scrum Force\, Getaway Driver & Porters DESCRIPTION:Scrum Force\, Getaway Driver & Porters\nDoors 7pm\, Music 8pm\n February 15\, 2025 7 PM\n\nScrum Force\, Getaway Driver & Porters\nhttps:/ / URL: DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250215T190000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250215T230000 LOCATION:Haven ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg:https://arcane-city-library.nyc3.digitaloceanspac END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID: oner-pills-thunder-vest-the-legendary-hucklebucks DTSTAMP:20250109T123029 SUMMARY:SteelCity Destroyers presents: Gas Station Boner Pills\, Thunder Ve st & The Legendary Hucklebucks DESCRIPTION:My jags please join us in scenic Etna as we celebrate the day a fter valentines day.\nWe know all of you are going to be pretty upset abou t not performing as expected with your valentine so we decided to help. Al l the way from Atlanta Georgia we Bring you Gas station boner pills. We kn ow it's too "little" too late but what the hell.\nFor a little foreplay we have Local Ragers\, Thundervest and the legendary hucklebucks.\nIf that d on't make you a little randy nothing will! URL: oner-pills-thunder-vest-the-legendary-hucklebucks DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250215T190000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250215T230000 LOCATION:Porky's Bar and Grill ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg:https://arcane-city-library.nyc3.digitaloceanspac 3_n.webp END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID: DTSTAMP:20250108T153718 SUMMARY:AHEE w/ Ruvlo - Pittsburgh DESCRIPTION:Slayd Productions and Bassburgh Promotions proudly present:\n\n Ahee w/ Ruvlo - Pittsburgh\nAhee\nRuvlo\nNoki\nSchrock\nWuhshi.Oda\n\n2/15 /25\n21+\nThunderbird Music Hall\nDoors @ 8:30\nMusic 9-2 URL: DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250215T203000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250216T003000 LOCATION:Thunderbird ORGANIZER;CN=Bassburgh;DIR= gh; ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg:https://arcane-city-library.nyc3.digitaloceanspac 6_n.webp END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID: DTSTAMP:20250126T191353 SUMMARY:BRUTALISM 3 YR ANNIVERSARY DESCRIPTION:Join all of us at @brutalismpgh on Feb 15th as we celebrate goi ng into our third year! We would never have made it this far without all o f you! We have much to be grateful for and so much more work to do.\n\nIn this challenging and tricky time\, building community and holding our dear ones close together has become all the more important.\n\nWhen we started this journey together way back the lingering haze of plague\, we had an i dea of what we wanted to make and how we hoped it would be received. But m uch of what BRUTALISM is has been shaped by all of you and your evolving t astes and preferences. There are songs that used to barely stir folks up t hat now have you all writhing in a frenzy. There are songs that have found a home in your hearts in cracks that needed to be filled in. There are fr iends we hug now who used to be nameless strangers.\n\nThat’s why this S PECTACLE SPECTACULAR we are going to center as many requests as possible! Pop ‘em in the comments or DM us if you are shy.\n\nOur very special gue st is the incomparable @fey_seleznev who has been a long time supporter an d is just one of the friends we have made!\n\nBRUTALISM is a monthly dance night at @mixtapepgh that brings both the new and exciting dark and seedy bangers of the underground of today and blends it with the Post-Punk hits you know and love from decades past. URL: DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250215T210000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250216T140000 LOCATION:Mixtape ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg:https://arcane-city-library.nyc3.digitaloceanspac END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID: DTSTAMP:20250111T171723 SUMMARY:HEX: Deep Gloom DESCRIPTION:Pittsburgh's favorite gloomy shop\, The Weeping Glass\, has tea med up with Bottlerocket Social Hall and Djs Needle Mother & Lilith Devill e to bring you HEX: Deep Gloom monthly dance night.\nWe'll be serving up t he very best in goth\, industrial\, post punk\, bat cave and more.\nIt's o nly $5 to party\, but you must be 21+ URL: DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250215T220000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250216T020000 LOCATION:Bottlerocket Social Hall ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg:https://arcane-city-library.nyc3.digitaloceanspac 05_n.webp END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID: DTSTAMP:20250201T230500 SUMMARY:REST + RESET Yoga DESCRIPTION:This workshop has been a dream of mine for a few years and I’ m so excited to lead it on February 16th @yogaatascend.\n\nAs we transitio n through the threshold of the winter this practice will provide space to reconnect to rest as a sacred pause. Expect a brief overview of yin vs. re storative yoga.\nI will incorporate a few yin poses to loosen tension and find quiet time for rest and contemplation in restorative shapes. Then lea d us into creating our yoga nidra nest’s to set up for guided meditation .\n\nYoga nidra helps us awaken to a profound sense of clarity\, deep rela xation and better sleep. It also supports the release of physical tension\ , aiding in muscle relaxation and reduces pain. Regular practice helps bal ance the nervous system\, promoting a sense of inner peace and rejuvenatio n.\nThis workshop is open to all levels of experience. 🙏🏻✨ URL: DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250216T173000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250216T193000 LOCATION:Ascend - Southside ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg:https://arcane-city-library.nyc3.digitaloceanspac END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID: DTSTAMP:20250206T143229 SUMMARY:Cycle of Abuse\, Weeping\, Windchimes DESCRIPTION:Spirit Presents:\nCycle of Abuse and Weeping\n\n\nwith Windchim es\n\nand Lake Verity\n\nin the Lodge\ndoors @ 7pm | show @ 8pm\n$10 in advance | $15 at the door\n21+ URL: DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250216T190000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250216T230000 LOCATION:Spirit ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg:https://arcane-city-library.nyc3.digitaloceanspac END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID: d-about-owen-machinery-of-the-human-heart-psych-ward-grips DTSTAMP:20250204T181226 SUMMARY:Sarah and the Safe Word w/ Everybody's Worried About Owen + Machine ry of the Human Heart + Psych Ward Grips DESCRIPTION:Don't Let the Scene Go Down on Me! Collective presents...\n\nSa rah and the Safe Word\nSpooky Cabaret Punk from ATL\nhttps://sarahandthesa\n\nEverybody's Worried About Owen\nFolk Punk\nhttps:/ /\n\nMachinery of the Human Heart\ nQueer Pop from NJ\n\n\nPsyc h Ward Grips\nPGH Queercore\n\n \n\n@ The Mr. Roboto Project\n5106 Penn Ave.\n\nDoors - 7:00\nMusic - 7:30\n\n$1 8ADV / $20DOS\n\nAll Ages\n\nThe Mr. Roboto Project is a sober space.\n\nd URL: d-about-owen-machinery-of-the-human-heart-psych-ward-grips DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250216T190000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250216T230000 LOCATION:Roboto Project ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg:https://arcane-city-library.nyc3.digitaloceanspac END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID: eejay-chainwallet-jzkl-iris-bilinsky DTSTAMP:20250210T114818 SUMMARY:Purity Control\, I've Never Been Here Before\, Deejay Chainwallet\, JZKL\, Iris Bilinsky DESCRIPTION:sat feb 15th\n\nfreakazoid screamo\, digital hardcore/breakcore and hard pop\n\nsets by\nPurity Control\n l\n\nI've Never Been Here Before \nhttps://iveneverbeenherebefore.bandcamp .com/\n\nDeejay Chainwallet\n\n\ nJZKL (johnny zoloft x kiernan laveaux)\n lbum/pancake-of-the-infinite\n\nIris Bilinsky\n\nat Final Destination\nDM @Cleanertapes for location\ndoors 7\, music 8\nall ages $15 PWYK URL: eejay-chainwallet-jzkl-iris-bilinsky DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250216T200000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250217T000000 LOCATION:Final Destination ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg:https://arcane-city-library.nyc3.digitaloceanspac END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID: DTSTAMP:20250206T014247 SUMMARY:Zo! & Tall Black Guy (feat Deborah Bond) DESCRIPTION:City Winery Pittsburgh presents Zo! & Tall Black Guy ft. Debór ah Bond live on Monday\, February 17th\, 2025\, at 7:30 PM!\nOpening set b y Selecta!\n\nWhen it comes to innovative takes on R&B\, you can't go wron g with Zo! and Tall Black Guy and their next-level creations that invoke t he genre's classic sound while pushing it forward. So what happens when th ese two guys collaborate? You get a progressive joint album like Abstracti ons.\n\nThe set showcases the undeniable chemistry between the musicians w hile inviting a whole host of their friends — including Phonte\, BeMyFia sco\, Sy Smith\, Omar\, Darien Brockington\, Muhsinah and many more — to play alongside them. This means that the fellas have all the talent they need to create music as beautiful as the artwork by Rachel Stewart that gr aces the cover.\nLead singles "Talkin' To Myself" and "Hold My Hand" alrea dy gave listeners the tone for the project\, with the majority keeping thi ngs laid-back and mid-tempo. They further explore this when they get into tracks like "The Ride\," which features Sy alongside rhymers Black Milk an d Elzhi. The groove here is undeniable\, with a bumpin' kick made to ride to as Sy delivers a staccato melody on the chorus while Black and Elzhi tr ade rhymes that pay tribute to Detroit with style.\n\nThings heat up a bit more when Omar joins the fray on "I Love The Way." On the song\, the duo matches the sensuality of his rich baritone with a smoldering bass-and-gui tar led groove and percolating drums that make it feel steamy without veer ing into explicit territory. By the time we get to the Josh Milan-featurin g "Connected\," however\, the fellas are ready to party.\nThey mix a bit o f downtempo house into the mix and while rounding out the groove with keys \, warm synth flourishes and an elastic bass line that will have you runni ng to hit repeat as soon as the final notes play. URL: DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250217T193000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250217T233000 LOCATION:City Winery ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg:https://arcane-city-library.nyc3.digitaloceanspac 0_n.webp END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID: on-and-improvisation DTSTAMP:20250110T134853 SUMMARY:Microtonial Music Festival: 31-Tone Composition and Improvisation DESCRIPTION:BEYOND: MICROTONAL MUSIC FESTIVAL PRESENTS:\nAustrian composer\ , keyboardist\, and instrument maker Georg Vogel visits Pitt to talk about 31-tone composition and improvisation.\nThis talk is free and open to the public.\n\n\nAbout Georg Vogel:\nHe is a composer of works in polytonal/m icrotonal tuning systems and for newly developed instruments\, such as the 31-tone Claviton keyboards\; he has also developed and built the multi-to nal keyboard instruments E-\, A- and M-Claviton with 31 keys per octave. P erformed and published compositions at numerous concerts and on several re cordings. He has authored theoretical works on the subjects of n-tolic tim e signatures\, rhythmic systematics and improvisation\, compositional tech niques\, and polytonal/microtonal music. He is co-editor of the journal “Enharmntolische Theorie & Praxis” and has been a guest lecturer on in tonation and tuning at the University of Music in Vienna and at numerous E uropean symposia and conferences on microtonality.\n\nAside from regular s olo performances\, he leads the 31-tone ensemble Dsilton (with David Dorni g and Valentin Duit)\, Flower (with Raphael Preuschl and Michael Prowaznik )\, Tree (with Andreas Waelti and Michael Prowaznik).\nDsilton will be ope ning the 2025 Microtonal Music festival with a free concert at City of Asy lum on Thursday February 20th\, at 7 PM.\n\nabout BEYOND: MICROTONAL MUSIC FESTIVAL 2025\n\nThe Beyond: Microtonal Music Festival 2025 is a follow-u p to Music on the Edge's very successful Beyond Festivals in 2020\, 2018 a nd 2015 which according to the Post-Gazette "made a compelling case for th e continued integration of microtonal music into Pittsburgh’s performing arts scene and provided a look at the vibrant community that already exis ts." Our last festival was in March of 2020\, just days before the pandemi c struck. We are very excited to present the Beyond festival again in 2025 together with our festival partners City of Asylum\, Carnegie Mellon Univ ersity and WQED.\n\nMicrotonal music is music that uses tuning systems oth er than\, or in addition to\, the standard twelve-note equal tempered syst em that is the norm in Western popular and classical music. This norm has been evolving with many composers in all idioms currently using a variety of tuning approaches influenced by world music\, early music\, and physics and acoustics\, to name a few.\nThe fourth Beyond: Microtonal Music Festi val will explore connections between early music tuning and contemporary w orks\, microtonal sound installations and sound environments\, transnation al microtonal jazz\, as well as a wide variety of other approaches to micr otonal composition. There will be five world premieres\, works by local co mposers Paul Gallagher\, Ryan McMasters\, Eric Moe\, Amy Williams and Math ew Rosenblum\, and videos by Pittsburgh artists who have created visual re sponses to the music. Featured artists include JACK Quartet\, Ekmeles\, El len Fullman\, Dsilton\, Theophilus Root\, Eric Moe\, Ryan McMasters and Sc ott Pauley. We look forward to seeing you at the concerts and talks.\n\nfu ll festival passes can be found at:\n /packages/143994 URL: on-and-improvisation DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250219T160000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250219T200000 ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg:https://arcane-city-library.nyc3.digitaloceanspac 53_n.webp END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID: illis-jasmine-kendall DTSTAMP:20250202T090550 SUMMARY:Tough Pill #43 - Fein / dittocrush / Dawson / namay / Willis\, Jasm ine Kendall DESCRIPTION:Tough Pill is a creative music and performance series held prim arily at The Government Center\, third Thursdays of Every month in Pittsbu rgh. Tough Pill seeks to create space for practitioners while also expandi ng the scope of the experimental art audience. It's not always this\, but it's always good... so always come!\nTough Pill 43: February 20\, 2025\n$1 0-15 suggested donation\, no one turned away for lack of funds!\n\n/////\n Jasmine Kendall - flute and composition\n\n//////\nFein / dittocrush / Daw son / namay / Willis\nEli Namay - bass\nErin Dawson - guitar\nLindsey Will is - drums\nElizabeth Fein - vocals See less URL: DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250220T193000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250220T223000 LOCATION:The Government Center ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg:https://arcane-city-library.nyc3.digitaloceanspac END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID: y-live-at-remedy DTSTAMP:20250209T141637 SUMMARY:Passing Bell\, Spitbite\, Mold Farmer\, & Atlas Decay live at Remed y DESCRIPTION:Passing Bell -\nMold Farmer -\nSpitbite -\nAtlas Decay - https://atlasdecay.bandcamp .com/\n\n$10\n8pm music starts\n21+\n\nRemedy: m\n5121 Butler Street\nLawrenceville\, Pittsburgh PA 15201 URL: DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250220T200000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250220T230000 LOCATION:Remedy ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg:https://arcane-city-library.nyc3.digitaloceanspac END:VEVENT BEGIN:VTIMEZONE TZID:America/New_York BEGIN:STANDARD DTSTART:20241112T124900 TZNAME:EST TZOFFSETTO:-0500 TZOFFSETFROM:-0500 END:STANDARD END:VTIMEZONE END:VCALENDAR