Entity . Rock Room
Rock Room
SpacePunk friendly bar and show space
Official Rock Room instagram Polish Hill’s living room 21+ NO ONLINE BOOKING
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Roles: Venue
Business 1054 Herron Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15219 Polish Hill Pittsburgh PA USA
Capacity: 120
Instagram: @rockroompgh
Added by Geoffrey Maddock
Future Events 1
No events listed today.
Past Events 129
Sun June 16th 2019
9:00 PMConcrete Mascara, Cooter, J. Peterson & Niku Daruma
A night of power electronics, harsh noise and experimental Concert at Rock Room 21+ $0 / $5 -
Sat June 1st 2019
8:00 PM - 11:00 PMDurian (grindcore), 5Star Hotel, Unfurl, Joey M., Steamy Wolves
∆ Durian (NJ grind) ∆https://duriangrind.bandcamp.com/album/everything-faster-than-everything-else Concert at Rock Room 21+ $0 / $5Five Star Hotel Joey Molinaro Rock Room Electronic Grindcore Noise
Sat April 20th 2019
8:30 PM - 11:00 PMSilence record release party with pandemix!
SILENCE are releasing they're 2nd full length on profane existence and play alone records! Concert at Rock Room 21+ $0 / $5 -
Sat March 30th 2019
8:00 PMCoffin Dust, Zorn, Deep Tissue, Destitüt
Ripping death from Philadelphia Concert at Rock Room 21+ $0 / $10 -
Sat January 26th 2019
9:00 PMFigureWithMeat, Hostas, FiveStarHotel, Dagger
harsh noise and drone and such at the rock room Concert at Rock Room 21+ $0 / $7