Events . Frankie & The Witch Fingers, Acid Dad, Astrology Now

Thursday Oct 14th 2021
Show 9:00 PM until 11:45 PM
Frankie & The Witch Fingers, Acid Dad, Astrology Now
Psych / garage / krautrock from L.AConcert
Spirit 242 51st Street Pittsburgh
All Ages $12
Psych / garage / krautrock from L.A. on
Reverb Appreciation Society
Frankie and the Witch Fingers
with Acid Dad (Austin TX)
and Astrology Now
tickets at:
paper tickets at Jerry's Records (Sq Hill) or from members of Astrology Now
A band whose take on garage punk has a heavily psychedelic flavor, Frankie & the Witch Fingers (from Los Angeles) play rock & roll rooted in '60s and '70s influences, but with an edgy energy and broad range of flavors to go along with the trippy but elemental melodies. Along with the usual fuzzy guitars and buzzy keyboards, Frankie & the Witch Fingers season their music with plenty of reverb and period-appropriate studio effects, and their dedication to the sounds of the past is impressive. But the group has songs to go along with their retro style, and the fierce passion of their performances gives their music a kick that adds a contemporary sheen to their attack. The band's garage rock leanings were at their peak on their debut album, while their freak flag took center stage later on. The band's first several albums were sterling examples of home-brewed production, but 2019's Zam revealed a studio approach added to the impact of their music. The LP, Monsters Eating People Eating Monsters appeared in October 2020 on Levitation's label Reverb Appreciation Society.
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Astrology Now