Events . Icarus Witch Album Release Party with Lady Beast & Left Hand Hymns

Saturday Nov 4th 2023
Show 7:00 PM until 10:00 PM
Icarus Witch Album Release Party with Lady Beast & Left Hand Hymns
tradmetal album release partyConcert
Shred Shed 732 Warrington Pittsburgh
All Ages $15
This is an all-ages event and there will be adult refreshments as well. We heard a rumor there may be some fun food options from your favorite metal vegan chefs.
The Shred Shed is at 732 E Warrington Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15210. The entrance is around back on Manton Way.
This show is just $15 and there will be copies of the new IW album as well as other Witchy, Beastly & Left Handed swag for you to get a jump on your hell-iday shopping.
So mark your calendars NOW for the rad trad metal event of the season & come celebrate an evening of cosmic occult metal, unearthly refreshments & headbanging community.
Related Entities:
Shred Shed
Lady Beast