Events . Here Comes STRANGEWAYS at SPiRiT

Friday Aug 25th 2017
Show 10:00 PM until 02:00 AM
indie dane partyStrangeways series Club Night
Spirit 242 51st Street Pittsburgh
21+ $0 / $5
dearest sw fam ~
we think it's safe to say that we have missed you immensely. without an extra s-dubs event earlier in the month, it feels like it's been AGES since we've basked in the warmth your radiant collective glow. and if, like us, you have been waiting for the next "STRANGEWAYS" dance party with bated breath, fret not friends and lovers: the wait is almost over.
we're comin' at ya live on 8/25, packing more excitement than the great american eclipse. get yourself on the path of totality for this righteous dance experience. no silly glasses needed, but feel free to wear some if the mood strikes you. in just a few days, the moon will swallow the sun, and if we make it out on the other side, rest assured that we're going to rage!
help us fan the dying embers of summer's wilting flame with one last mega-banger. so excited! can't wait! see you soon! xoxo!
strangeways: a better life through dancing
60s / 70s / 80s / 90s / 00s / 10s
britpop / postpunk / indie / psych
w/ djs jesley snipes & the comeback kid
•visuals by marie mashyna•
friday, august 25, 2017
spirit lodge
10pm // 21+ // $5
Related Entities:
Indie Dance