Thursday Jun 8th 2017
Show 9:00 PM until 02:00 AM
indie dance partyClub Night
Belvederes 4016 Penn Ave Pittsburgh
21+ $0 / $5
by now, it should be clear that the ramshackle crew of the s.s. "strangeways" is certainly not averse to the glorious splendor and musical riches contained within the 1980s. but working with such a diverse pallet every month only allows us a limited amount of time to explore the cavernous depths of such a fertile musical landscape.
if only there was a way to dedicate our undivided attention to the grandeur and sprawling complexities of this majestic pop topography...
but, ahoy-hoy! what's that ahead that burns the eyes and tickles the throat? 'tis fair NEON, glimmering in the distance; beckoning with its open arms. how could we have been so foolish?! it's so obvious. and 5 solid hours should give us just enough time to hit all the right sweet spots.
so, once again, the irresistible lure of that ol' siren song brings us back to our home-away-from-home, Belvederes Ultra-Dive, on THURSDAY, JUNE 8th for an unforgettable journey through the chasms of one of music's most eclectic eras.
we can't wait. see you soon. xo!
with djs jesley snipes & the comeback kid
•visuals by marie mashyna•
thursday, june 8th 2017
belvedere's ultra dive
9pm // $5 // 21+
Related Entities:
Indie Dance