Events . Fun A Day '18 Art Show Opening Reception!

Friday Feb 9th 2018
Show 7:00 PM until 09:00 PM
Fun A Day '18 Art Show Opening Reception!
WE DID IT! Maybe you did 31 little things. Or one big thing in 31 bits and pieces.Art Opening
Artists Image Resource 518 Foreland St Pittsburgh
All Ages $0 / $0
Whatever the case: Join us for the Opening Reception of the 2018 Fun A Day Art Show and give out copious high fives, holla at folks you've followed on Instagram, enjoy a snack and/or box wine, and check out everyone's awesome work!
This event is, of course, free. Many thanks to Lauren and the team at AIR - they are generous of spirit, time, and space!!
We'll be there during Open Studio hours, so take a spin around and try your hand at screenprinting! She's going to set up a station just for us to make a special Fun A Day print!
We're sticking with the traditional casual "potluck": if you can swing it, bring something to share. We'll have chips & box wine. AIR has a kitchen, so if you make a thing that's warm, we can keep it warm. Cool, right?
The exhibit will be also open on Thursday from 5-10 pm., and Saturday from 11 am - 3 pm.
Info for project drop off and pick up is here:
Any questions? Shoot 'em this way:
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Artists Image Resource