Pop-up festival in allegheny commons park with a diverse array of acts Pop-up
no venue specified
All Ages
THIS IS NOT THE USUAL FULL FESTIVAL (Line up at bottom of this description) Earlier this year we here at Deutschtown Music Festival made the difficult decision to once again not present our full blown festival this year. There were many factors that went into this decision, but we felt and still feel it was in the best interest of all involved. We are however extremely excited to present a new event: "Hands Over Deutschtown". This smaller event will feature the premiere production from post-industrial performance artists Squonk entitled, "Hand to Hand" for two shows at 2pm and 4pm in Allegheny Commons Park near Sue Murray Pool on the future site of the permanent Skyline Stage. To complement Squonk's debut performance since 2019, we will have a number of other performances there on the lawn and the concrete stage across from the Allegheny Elks Lodge on Cedar Ave. Additionally, there will be an artists and vendors market with a busker's stage in the park above the Hampton Battery to East Ohio St. presented by RedFishBowl. In the Northeastern part of the park we will be our usual Park stage with a beautifully diverse full day lineup of amazing Pittsburgh musicians and bands. There will be community outreach from sponsors, Highmark/AHN and First National Bank focusing on Health with partner AGH and financial literacy and other programs with the bank. There will be food trucks, family friendly activities, Non-profits and other organizations with programs for families and children to sign up for, and as always with us, SURPRISES.
Lastly, we are super excited for the future. There are many many great things in the works over here in the Northside. Consider yourself warned!
Skyline Stage Area – Outside – All Ages
1pm Abafasi
2pm Squonk Hand to Hand
2:30pm Squonk Backstage Tour (Kids)
3pm Abafasi
4pm Squonk Hand to Hand
4:30pm Squonk Backstage Tour(Families)
5pm London Johnson’s Magnificent
Street Entertainment
6pm Timbeleza