Events . Humanaut w/ T.Wan & Succubass

Saturday Dec 3rd 2022
Show 11:00 PM until 06:00 AM
Humanaut w/ T.Wan & Succubass
techno and bass all nightClub Night
Hot Mass 1139 Penn Ave Pittsburgh
21+ $20 / $25
T.Wan is a DJ who defies expectations. Those familiar with Tiffany Wan can attest to her adaptability as a DJ who mixes high-frequency club music with the same respect and ease as she does with classic house or focused ambient. This year, T.Wan delivered an unexpected dose of off-kilter techno as a last minute addition to Honcho Campout, where her set became one of the most talked about performances of the festival and solidified herself as a force to be reckoned with amongst a lineup of the underground’s most beloved DJs. Tiffany’s repertoire in many ways has never been a secret, people are just now catching up. In Seattle she maintained a busy schedule of gigs as a primary organizer in the seminal TUF collective, and flexed her musical range as a resident of the Bristol-based Noods Radio for the past 3 years. Since relocating to New York, T.Wan has built strong relationships with Brooklyn mainstays like Sorry Records and played at beloved venues such as Nowadays, Mood Ring, Bossa Nova Civic Club and Heaven, becoming a rising favorite within a scene where the standards for success are measurably high. It’s clear that those now familiarizing themselves with T.Wan have a lot of catching up to do. Even the best kept secrets surface eventually, you just never want to be the last to know.
Succubass is the moniker of Jess Duran, the cornerstone of Seattle’s electronic music scene. Succubass seeks to strengthen the foundations of the community through her countless hours of service to the scene through her work as a private coach, in sound systems, her involvement in the TUF and High + Tight collectives, being a rave-mom to many, and primarily for being a unanimously admired performer. Jess’s sound is characteristically unbeholden to genres or tempo, proving her prowess in all fields. It’s rare when a DJ can prove equal strength playing sweaty blistering 3 AM techno, as well as they can elicit an ego-shattering ambient set, yet Jess navigates every situation she’s faced with prowess and confidence. Succubass has been lucky enough to play with the likes of Ben UFO, Joy Orbison, Objekt, and Josey Rebelle, proving her adaptability and capability, yet her individualism as a performer always commands her own attention no matter with who she shares a bill with. It’s long overdue that Succubass had her moment in the spotlight after years of grinding behind the scenes. This year is set to launch Jess into the stratosphere, and Seattle couldn’t have a stronger torchbearer.
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