Entity . Clara Kent

Clara Kent
I am the Multidimensional Artistic individual Life is but a dream, I live lucidly. AURA is available now! ON ALL STREAMING SERVICES! Thanks for Listening.
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Hip Hop
Twitter: @iamclarakent
Added by Geoffrey Maddock
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Past Events 3
Thu August 4th 2022
5:00 PM - 9:00 PMINSIDE OUT: Bounce House Launch Party
celebrating the launch of Bounce House Studios, a group focused on creating events, projects, and artistic works for the Black community in Pittsburgh Concert at Carnegie Museum of Art All AgesCarnegie Museum of Art Clara Kent DJ Shoe Club Music Hip Hop
Sat August 14th 2021
12:00 PM - 5:00 PMInside Out — Clara Kent + DJ Shoe
On Saturday, August 14, enjoy pop-up performances in the museum's outdoor sculpture courtyard by Clara Kent with music all afternoon by DJ Shoe. Pop-up at Carnegie Museum of Art All AgesCarnegie Museum of Art Clara Kent DJ Shoe Club Music Hip Hop Soul
Fri February 16th 2018
11:59 PM - 4:30 AMTea Time Three featuring Clara Kent and Ratchet Ivy League
Tea Time is an after hours night focused on music, tea, and community. Come experience live and DJed Pop-up at Dobra Tea All Ages $10