Events . FRED FALKE w/ PTA, Cutups & Keeb$

Saturday Sep 22nd 2012

Show 10:00 PM until 03:00 AM

FRED FALKE w/ PTA, Cutups & Keeb$

french touch house party
Club Night by VIA

21+ $0 / $15

El Gallo and VIA Present: FRED FALKE w/ Pittsburgh Track Authority, Cutups & Keep$

Saturday September 22 | doors 9:30p
$8 advance | $12 door | 21+
Open Bar hosted by Skyy Vodka until 10p

@ 6119 Penn Ave - door is in the back.

:::::::::: LINEUP :
FRED FALKE (Kitsune, France)

France is a leader in feeding the world with top class house producers and DJs. Amongst all the top names France has to offer, Fred Falke's is of the highest regard. This legendary producer started off as a bass player in 1995 before diverting his attention to the realm production in the late 90s. His first release in 2000, Intro, a collaboration with Alan Braxe, is a testament to a future career of success. Intro received mass acclaim in the French House scene. The pair's streak of producing hits continued with joint remixes for Goldfrapp, Royksopp, Kelis and Justice. Falke went on to create partnerships with many big producers including collaborations with Kris Menace, Savage, Miami Horror and Knightlife.

Falke is now an in-demand remixer with productions for both mainstream and electronic artists including Whitest Boy Alive, Kele, Ke$ha, Little Boots, U2, Ladyhawke, Annie, Metronomy, Gossip, Grizzly Bear, Lykke Li and Katy Perry among many others. Most recent original and remix production work, as well as upcoming releases, can be found on the uber-hip French label, Kitsune.


"While the trio of Tom Cox (Pipecock to many), Preslav Lefterov, and Adam Ratana have been working together for only about two years, their music has all the cohesive maturity of lifelong production partners whose music is just seeing the light of day. Their first four releases bear a warm, well worn aesthetic informed by decades of musical fandom, often in the service of house music that feels timeless in spite of its recent release dates. Even more exciting is that they’re just getting started: future releases promise to bring the same classic sensibilities to harder techno, 2-step, electro, and whatever else their hearts desire. The promise of more collaborations, including with their resident live drummer, Cottrell, suggests there are few dance genre walls they won’t climb." - LWE

Check out their recent LWE interview & podcast:

:::::::::: THANKS :
Round Corner Cantina
Casey Hallas Visual Systems

Related Entities: Cutups Keebs VIA
Tags: Bass House Indie Dance Techno
