Events . FUZZ - Thanksgiving Eve - "One More FUZZ"

Wednesday Nov 23rd 2016

Show 9:00 PM until 02:00 AM

FUZZ - Thanksgiving Eve - "One More FUZZ"

drum and bass returns to the BBT for one night
FUZZ series Club Night by 412DNB
Bloomfield Bridge Tavern 4412 Liberty Ave Pittsburgh

21+ $0 / $2

The night before Thanksgiving was always one of the highlights of the year for the 412DNB crew and all of the faithful heads that made the night so great. The only thing to do the next day is relax and eat, so why not party the night before?

Well, when we found out that the BBT was up for sale, we really needed to get back in there and throw one more FUZZ.

Come join us for another night filled with the music that we love so much at the place we called home for 14 years. The sound system will definitely be proper, so come get some.

Selectors for the evening will be the resident DJs of the 412DNB crew:

(Kirby told us that he was retiring, but we said "No way. Not until after Thanksgiving.")

As always, it's $2 at the door and you gotta be over 21. Make sure you bring your ID to prove it, even if you're 60.

See you there!!!

Related Entities: 412DNB Blacklisted Bloomfield Bridge Tavern Cutups Keebs Sub Q
Tags: Drum And Bass