Events . Ultima Bazaar: Apocalypse [A/V theme night]

Friday Dec 13th 2019
Show 9:00 PM until 02:00 AM
Ultima Bazaar: Apocalypse [A/V theme night]
A new event concept featuring short sets from up to a dozen artists on one themeConcert by BxC Collective
Brillobox 4104 Penn Ave Pittsburgh
21+ $0 / $5
A new event concept featuring short sets from up to a dozen
artists creating and performing original music or video projections based on a specified theme.
This edition's theme is...
with 15-min apocalypse sets from artists
paired with live visuals created by
The concept:
• A general prompt / concept is released to the public. This is one word or very few words to allow open interpretation.
• Artists create a ~15 min set/piece based on that promptperform them live at the final showcase.
• Anyone of any level of experience can enter as long as they can perform/play a piece that fits the theme.
• Any genre is accepted, but please match the theme!
• Samples, synths, vocals or other audio sources are fine, but you'll need to be self-contained. We're thinking of something that can be performed with a laptop or gear in an approx 3x3 table space and have a single pair output. (we're not externally micing - one output only).
• This isn't a competition, but a thematic exhibition - have fun with it!
The final showcase party is set for
Friday, December 13th at brillobox.
If you'd like to sign up to participate, read the details below and then, DM or contact
More info on the showcase / party as the date gets closer!
||| Additional info for participants...
Participants of any level of experience are welcome, as long as you can produce a 15 min audio set on the theme. To submit, send me your real name and your performance name as well as an email for contact and any additional questions. If we get an abundance of responses (over the allotted number), I will ask for a demo from non-established artists.
We’ll be looking to fill up to twelve (12) 15-min audio slots, and up to eight (8) 30-min video slots.
I’ll have an open sign-up for one week, or until all of the slots have been filled in each category (audio and video). If we end up with more participants than slots, I’ll do a drawing to select participants, and offer anybody who did not make it first chance to participate in the next edition.
With 30 remaining days on Nov 13th, we’ll do a check in and finalize the lineup. Just want to make sure everybody who has signed up has some material in the works. If anyone has to drop out, we’ll revisit the people interested for additional participants.
Due to the number of sets we’d like to facilitate for this, we ask that all artists keep their setup to approximately 3’ x 3’ and provide one pair of outputs (ideally 1/4”, but we will provide conversion). There is no limitation on type gear, but please consider that there will be minimal set-up and breakdown time. We won't be able to facilitate full bands, and ask that for this edition, each slot is filled by one person. The more fun and interactive a set you can put together the better!
Depending on interest we’ll also compile the results onto some sort of free or pay what you want digital release (this is 100% opt-in).
The first edition is scheduled for Friday December 13th at Brillobox, and the initial theme announcement is on October 10th 2019.
Thanks for your interest and stoked to see how this comes together!
||| FAQ
Q: Can i pre-record my set / video?
A: Yes, but making it interactive, either through controllers, performance, on the fly elements or something else is highly recommended! For video, a pre-rendered set is more acceptable, but live manipulation even better.
Q: Is this a competition?
A: Not a competition, but a showcase and theme party showing what local artists can do with a theme and two months of time. You should wow us, but fun is the bottom line!
Q: Can I do both an audio AND video set?
A: The intention is for participants to sign up for either a 15 min audio set or a 30 min video set. But if there are open slots, you can sign up for both.
Q: Can I plan a collaboration with an audio or video artist who is also participating?
A: If you're both in and you want to have them match up, we'll try to facilitate that, but depending on the complexity of the schedule, we can't guarantee that.
Q: For the showcase, who is getting paid?
A: After any base costs for the venue etc., we'll split any cover between all participants.
Q: What are the future themes going to be?
A: Open to suggestion, but some ideas: Robots, Space, Supernatural, Conspiracy, Animals/Nature
Related Entities:
BxC Collective
Glo Phase
Hip Hop
Live Visuals
Modular Synth