Events . BxC Collective
Fri May 17th 2024
10:00 PMBxC presents NIXTROVE (Montreal), M27 (Oakland, CA), 8Cylinder, Uninstall Mods, dj Treebug
live electronics and dancing: acid, braindance, jungle, idm, electro, breakcore + Concert at Brillobox 21+ $10 / $158Cylinder Brillobox BxC Collective Tall Timber Treebug Acid Breakcore Electro Electronic Idm Jungle
Sat October 7th 2023
8:45 PM - 1:00 AMRedHat (Philly), Purity Control, GlitterThroat, Gladiolus, Seanni B
Deconstruct your mind & body with live thrash and ready sounds Concert at Rock Room 21+ $10BxC Collective Cleaner Tapes Glitterthroat Breakcore Digital Hardcore Electronic Hardcore Punk
Sat April 1st 2023
9:00 PMDEATH QUALIA (Ohm Resistance/Berlin), Seaclones, C. Robo, Heather Harper, Funeral Parade of Roses
hard electronics, splintered beats and alien soundscapes to move your mind and body.. Concert at Collision All Ages $10 / $10BxC Collective Collision Seaclones Heather Harper Bass Breakcore Electronic Hardcore Idm
Fri November 11th 2022
10:00 PMYE GODS (L.I.E.S.), Lilac/Web, Plasma Arc, Qancel
a night of live dark electronics to shatter the mind and body Concert at Collision All Ages $108Cylinder Collision Cutups Tall Timber Lilac//Web BxC Collective Breakcore Idm Industrial Techno
Fri December 13th 2019
9:00 PM - 2:00 AMUltima Bazaar: Apocalypse [A/V theme night]
A new event concept featuring short sets from up to a dozen artists on one theme Concert at Brillobox 21+ $0 / $5Brillobox BxC Collective Glo Phase Morgantics Breakcore Electro Electronic Hip Hop Live Visuals Modular Synth Techno
Sat October 5th 2019
9:00 PM - 1:00 AMBxC Collective Pres: Vytear, Skymall, Divtech, Qancel, Morgantics
live heavy electronics, breakcore and fractured sounds Concert at 3577 Studios All Ages $103577 Studios BxC Collective Morgantics Breakcore Hardcore Modular Synth
Sat May 11th 2019
9:00 PM - 2:00 AMTerminal 11, Acrnym, Nancy Drone, Sebastian Camens and Solesca
tsa night of live extreme electronics, splintered beats and futuristic sound design Concert at 3577 Studios All Ages $0 / $103577 Studios BxC Collective Nancy Drone Breakcore Hardcore Idm Livecoding
Sat December 22nd 2018
10:00 PM - 2:00 AMA Night of Heavy Electronics: BxC Solstice Bash
Saturday Dec 22ndA NIGHT OF HEAVY LIVE ELECTRONICSthe BxC solstice bashwith live sets byMORGANT Concert at Brillobox 21+ $0 / $5BxC Collective Morgantics Spednar xliv Acid Breakcore Electronic Hardcore Idm Industrial Livecoding Modular Synth
Sat August 4th 2018
10:00 PM - 2:00 AMMontaux, Dimentia, Machine Girl, 8cylinder + N. Breinich Cutups
live breakcore, electro, modular synth and heated jams Concert at Cattivo 21+ $0 / $108Cylinder BxC Collective Cattivo Cutups Nate Cake Vasculator Breakcore Electro Experimental Modular Synth
Sat July 28th 2018
9:00 PM - 1:01 AMSpeak Onion, Xglare, Plasma Arc, Morgantics
a night of futuristic sound design and gnarled rhythms from four unique voices Concert at Rock Room 21+ $0 / $5BxC Collective Morgantics Rock Room Ambient Breakcore Electronic Experimental Hardcore Modular Synth
Fri April 27th 2018
10:00 PM - 2:00 AMCat/Scan: Decide Today, Qancel, Five Star Hotel +
breakcore, hardcore, industrial, idm and other high-energy jams Concert at Remedy 21+ $0 / $5BxC Collective Five Star Hotel Remedy Spednar Tall Timber Breakcore Idm Jungle Noise Techno
Fri December 1st 2017
9:00 PM - 2:00 AMGabba-Ghoulies! with Teknoist, Skull Vomit, BitMummy, BlackDaddy
breakcore, jungle, hardcore, metal, 8-bit and other wild electronic music. Concert at Cattivo 21+ $0 / $10BxC Collective Cattivo Breakcore Chiptune Hardcore Jungle Metal
Thu October 19th 2017
9:00 PM - 1:00 AMBxC pres RUBY MY DEAR (Love Love FR) Ephen, X!lix, Spednar
thurs oct 19thBxC presentsRUBY MY DEARlove love / adnoiseam / prspct / toulouse, francelive idm Concert at Brillobox 21+ $0 / $10Brillobox BxC Collective Ephen Spednar Cutups Acid Breakcore Electronic Idm Jungle
Fri October 6th 2017
7:00 PM - 11:00 PMMachine Girl, w00dy, Cloning, and more + Tabitha Burnett
We are bringing Machine Girl back to Pittsburgh in support of 'Because I'm young arrogant and hate e Concert at Roboto Project All Ages $0 / $0BxC Collective Cosmic Sound Roboto Project Woody Breakcore Electronic Experimental Punk
Fri September 15th 2017
9:00 PM - 2:00 AMBxC presents Xanopticon, Acrnym, Disheveled, Morgantics, Tall Timber and Arsonist +
Cosmic Fest series a night of live, intense electronic music as part of cosmic fest Concert at Cattivo 21+ $8 / $10BxC Collective Cattivo Diaphony Disheveled Xanopticon Tall Timber Morgantics Breakcore Drum And Bass Idm Industrial Live Sets Live Visuals Modular Synth Techno
Thu September 14th 2017
8:00 PM - 1:00 AMCosmic Fest
Cosmic Fest series Cosmic Fest is a series of events brought to you by the collaborative efforts of various Pittsburgh Festival no venue specified 21+ $0 / $0BxC Collective Disheveled Spednar Xanopticon Breakcore Electronic Idm Live Sets Live Visuals Modular Synth Techno Livecoding
Sat July 8th 2017
9:00 PM - 2:00 AMSummer Time Bruise w/ FluxionAD, N.Breinich, 8C, II-Go & Cutups
Sat July 8, 2017 THE SUMMER TIME BRUISEbxc collective summer bashlive electronic music fromFlu Concert at Glitterbox Theater All Ages $0 / $68Cylinder BxC Collective Cutups Nate Cake Spednar Vasculator Breakcore Hardcore Industrial Noise Techno
Fri April 28th 2017
11:00 PM - 3:00 AMLateral & BxC Collective Present: Ontal + Duran Duran Duran
dark techno and breakcore Club Night at Palzanos 21+ $5 / $10BxC Collective Lateral Breakcore Hardcore Idm Industrial Techno
Sat December 10th 2016
9:00 PM - 4:00 AMBxC presents Dimentia, Speak Onion, Morlox, Devnull + more
live hard electronic music party Pop-up at Bloomfield Bridge Tavern All Ages $0 / $108Cylinder BxC Collective Dev/Null Disheveled Nate Cake Breakcore Electronic Experimental Hardcore Idm
Sat November 12th 2016
8:00 PM - 1:00 AMErrata//Data featuring BLÆRG, Jeremy Bible, xliv +
An immersive mix of live and interactive audio visual experiences Pop-up at Wood Street Galleries All Ages $5 / $10Cosmic Sound Spednar Wood Street Galleries BxC Collective xliv Art Breakcore Electronic Experimental Live Visuals
Thu November 3rd 2016
8:00 PM - 11:30 PMBXC + CS Present Machine Girl, Five Star Hotel, Elle Excess, Tall Timber, Nancy Drone
intricate electronic music showcase Club Night at Cattivo 21+ $0 / $5BxC Collective Nancy Drone Spednar Tall Timber Breakcore Electronic Experimental Footwork Idm
Fri September 2nd 2016
9:00 PM - 2:00 AMLiminal RUSH w/ Enduser, Divtech, Decide Today +
a massive night of head-rushing electronics Concert at Belvederes 21+ $5 / $108Cylinder Belvederes Cutups Doverspike Spednar BxC Collective Breakcore Drum And Bass Experimental Hardcore Idm Modular Synth
Sat September 28th 2024
10:00 PMBXC presents RIDYLAN (Vancouver), Floor Baba, Dropset, Cutups
hit hyper speed with a night of energetic live electronic music & djs Concert at Brillobox 21+ $15Brillobox BxC Collective Cutups Dropset Floor Baba Acid Breakcore Chiptune Drum And Bass Electro Electronic Idm