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Arcane City Youtube Channel
Tags: Admin Youtube
General Geoffrey Maddock Geoffrey Maddock 2 1161 0
I'm going through my videos and thinking about starting a Youtube channel for arcane city. It'll probably just be video clips from various local shows, but might evolve into more content. LMK if you have anything great especially stuff that fits with the underground / alternative / experimental music spectrum. Youtube:

Geoffrey Maddock Geoffrey Maddock 0

Haven't gone crazy with this channel, but have some content up since this post was made. I'd love to get good quality short videos from any shows that get listed on the site. Feel free to hit me up if you have some! I also added some how-to content on there, and plan on making a few more in-depth videos about how to use the features and engage with Arcane City.

Tags: Youtube

Geoffrey Maddock Geoffrey Maddock 0

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